Recent content by Radical Dreamer

  1. Radical Dreamer


    umm well i luv the show so i was wonderin if any1 else has seen it
  2. Radical Dreamer


    well as u may kno im thge enigma and i havent been on for awhile do to the fact that my friend casually mentioned to me that he had my named changed so i have returned if any1 cares
  3. Radical Dreamer

    Naruto Arena

    well as most of ppl who play this online phenomonom *sarcasm* they came out with spefcified battles and im making this thread so others can challenge each other or if you need help with misssions like myself without ppl cutting offline and u end up losing
  4. Radical Dreamer

    Game Saves

    um i was wondering what are game saves?
  5. Radical Dreamer


    Guess whos back lol the one the onlly =? thats rite THE ENIGMA lol ive been busy bartending and construction work but i'll be on during the weekends and posting like a teacher on heroine lol sso hello all noobs and friends
  6. Radical Dreamer

    Nightmare Of You

    i thought this was a great indie band i absolutely loved I WANT TO BE BURRIED IN.... and Trouble is my Name wat do u guys think
  7. Radical Dreamer


    i just wanted to know if i could get some special items just for me. Armor-Akatsuki Cloak Stats-0 for all Description-The clothing of the Akatsuki Accesory-Akatsuki Ring Stat-0 Description-Ring of the Akatsuki i will pay 10bill in 2wks if you make it
  8. Radical Dreamer


  9. Radical Dreamer

    West Indian FC

    If your west indian Guyanese,Indian,Punjabi etc or have west indian friends join the club
  10. Radical Dreamer

    Random Forum Member

    Pretty self explanatory just post the first forum member comes to mind Rpgirl
  11. Radical Dreamer

    Which Sig?

    Well i created a few new sigs but i can't choose
  12. Radical Dreamer

    Dir en Grey

    Well has anyone listened to this crazy punk-metal Japanese band.
  13. Radical Dreamer

    Somethin I made

    Well some may say this is retarded but I like them they are characters i made for many failed atemps at comics.
  14. Radical Dreamer

    Destroy THE Forgotten

    I will miss my clan but may someone delete it. Thankies:cry ---------------------------Double Post--------------------------- Shade please do it soon
  15. Radical Dreamer


    Well tom I'm leaving to go to Atlantic City and I won't be back till Saturday