Relentless RP


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Place: Boston Mass.
Time: 6/23/2009
Plot: QUANCHUAN was riding in the back of the limo. The man next to him was his boss and leader of Yao Ting affiliates, XIAOLIANG.

Yao Ting was a stock broker organization with many charities, and gifts to the community of olde Boston. But underneath it all they were involved in smuggling, drugs, gambling and prostitution. Many of the wealthy of Boston knew this but turn a blind eye as Yao Ting has made many of the vices that wealthy Bostonians enjoy availiable.

The rival was a company called Allen Inc. This company was owned by a black man. This seemed to be a construction company, but it was a vice den and sweat shop. Also the site that the "construction" company was sitting on was not only a place where gold was in the earth but also oil. Allen Inc. never told anyone of the discovery. They have there hand in everything, and do not care for Yao Ting company Territories where set and night fights broke out on who's property was crossed.

QUANCHUAN looked out the window keep and eye out on thing. Suddenly the limo exploded.

Xiao Si and his sister Tyleya stared at each other. This was going be a long and hard fight. "I've got you, Aiden." Tyleya said to her brother. He preferred to be called Aiden over Si Xiao. Aiden looked very intently. He moved his chess piece. Tyleya smiled. "Check Mate!" she cried. "Dammit!" Aiden yelled.

Suddenly a man came into the living room of the mansion. "Xiao Si, Miss Tyleya, Your father is dead! Its believe the Allen family did it!"
On the other side of two the Allen's were preparing for dinner. "My favorite! Fried Chicken, and Mash potatoes." John Allen Sr. said. He looked down at his wife and young boy Aja. Suddenly one of his most trusted men, came into the dining room. "Did i say no business during dinner? You put me in a bad mood." he said with a hint of annoyance. "With all due respect sir, its about to get worst." His man whispered in his ears. "Honey i have to make a phone call and i will be back." he said, removing himself from the table. "This is bad."
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New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
2 days later....

"We have to be rational." Tyleya explained to Aiden. The preparations for the funeral were under way and some of the councilors of Yao Ting, screamed of revenge. Xiao Si, or Aiden, has risen to the postion of power and his sister behind him.

"They want blood! We should revenge our father!" Aiden yelled, his emotions overcome. He was a smart young man but very rash. But lately he has followed a piece of advice, his father gave him. "Consult your sister before doing anything."

Xiao Tyleya, sat across from him. She saw his anger. IT was very hard to reason with him when he was in that mood. She let him yell his screams of revenge. Finally when he calmed down she asked, "How do you know it was the blacks? It could have been the crooked BPD. It could have been our own men. I believe the best course to take is do this funeral and then, investigate. It dishonorable to try to investigate and kill while in the days of mourning."

"But the consul said-"Tyleya cut him off. "With all due respect, who runs this company. You do. The consul try to run dad too. They think they could do it to you. Don't let them. Remember, a calm heart, is better than an agitated one, for a calm see the whole puzzle, while the agitated on only see what he wants to see."

Aiden sat back and took a deep breath. "You're right. We will do this funeral, and then we will go from there."


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May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
"The head of the Yao Ting is dead." Marques heard one of his father's men speaking with him in the hall. He froze when he heard his father's response. " I sure as hell hope they don't think we were behind this, shit could hit the fan if word like that got out." Marques puased for a moment and came foward down the hall to them. "Dad, is there a problem?"

John Sr. turned around to his second born. " No, theres nothing for you to be worried about." Marques shook him off. " I know who the Yo Ting are, if theres a problem I think the family would like to kno-" "Theres nothing to worried about, now go get ready for dinner. Your mother is waiting for you." John interupted. Marques just looked at him. "Guess that's your way of protecting us, not tellin' us shit like this." " You watch your ****in' mouth to me, Marques." John said pointing. "I DON'T want you to get involved." He said.

"So, what? Were supposed to just skip around this house pretending there ain't some grimmy shit goin' on out there, like we're the ****in' Cosbys?!" Marques yelled. " I understand mom doesn't need this shit and Aja is too young, but I'm here!" Throwing his arms out in an agressive manner.

"I know you want in, but this business is rough." John started. "I don't want you to end up-" "Like Junior.." Marques finshed. John nodded. There was a momnet of silence. Then John said the to the two of them. "We'll talk about this tomorrow..." The man nodded and headed down the hall. "C'mon, lets eat. There plenty of time for this later." John said as he threw his arm around Marques and led him the the dinning room.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
"I do advice one course of action." Aidan looked up at his sister. "What would that be?" he asked.
Tyleya sat back and relaxed. She noticed that her gestures usually were mimicked by her brother. Her father told her that if she stayed calm, usually everyone else was calm. She thought her thoughts through. "We should ask them if they know anything about it. BUT-" she held her hand up for silence because Aiden was about to say something, "I should do it. You need to focus on the funeral. I will arrange it. We want them to know that just in case they did it, we are watching them. This isn't a petty matter." Aidan nodded. "Good idea." Tyleya stood up. "I will arrange it now."

Tyleya walked out to the door and let herself out. On the other side all 7 of the councilors were waiting for an audience. "He wont be seeing you until after the funeral." Feng Guang spoke up. "He cannot ignore us. We need to speak with him!" he yelled in Tyleya's face. Tyleya smiled. "As i said he will not be speaking to you. If i hear that you have bothered him before the funeral, i will see that you will have body parts send to endearing family members. And...." Tyleya pulled out her sword and aimed it at his neck, very quickly. "Please show me some respect." He backed up and bowed respectfully. Tyleya looked at all the councilors one by one, until all of them backed off. She smiled, and bowed her head. She then sheave her sword.

Tyleya walked away and sent a courier to the Allen Mansion. There was a note.

Allen Co.

We need to discuss the events of the day before yesterday. So we are sending to the ferry tomorrow, Xiao Tyleya, daughter of the late Xiao Liang. This is a show of good faith sending her and only her.Of course our men will be watching at a distance. We request you send your son Marques Allen, to show good faith as well. They will discuss what happened and we will take things from there. Maybe furthering the trust in our relationship. Though it might have been thought of please do not attend the funeral. After the funeral, Xiao Xi, or Aidan as he is called will have a meeting with you.
Best Regards,

Yao Ting.
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May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
-The Next Morning-

“Allen Co.

We need to discuss the events of the day before yesterday. So we are sending to the ferry tomorrow, Xiao Tyleya, daughter of the late Xiao Liang. This is a show of good faith sending her and only her. Of course our men will be watching at a distance. We request you send your son Marques Allen, to show good faith as well. They will discuss what happened and we will take things from there. Maybe furthering the trust in our relationship. Though it might have been thought of please do not attend the funeral. After the funeral, Xiao Xi, or Aidan as he is called will have a meeting with you.

Best Regards,
Yao Ting. “

John Sr. read the letter. “What are they trying to pull?” He said as he folded the note. He looked to the man that delivered it. “Devon, go get Marques and tell him to come here.” Devon nodded and left the room.

“I’m just sayin‘ , your style is sloppy.” Marques said as his voice rang in the corridor opening from the courtyard. “And what those daggers on your hips like some Shinobo…” Alyssa folded her arms. “Its Shinobi, jackass.” Marques laughed at her. Alyssa readied her stance and got ready to attack.

Marques looked at her. “Ok, if you want to we can try this again.” He brought his fists up and waited for Alyssa to make her move. Aja watched from the patio with his music playing. “C’mon, Alyssa you can beat em’!” Aja shouted. Alyssa rushed forward and delivered a high kick at Marques. Marques ducked her high kick and moved for a sweep kick. Alyssa jumped up and hopped over Marques’ head. Their movement is abnormal. Alyssa turned with a dragon punch at Marques’ head as he turned to meet her. He blocked her attack and twisted his arm around hers and gripped her tightly. She reacted by throwing her knee in his ribs. There was no escape for him, he did his best to block her knee attack with his. She started to kick at his shins trying to keep his feet from moving. Marques’ arm bar broke and he and pushed her back. Alyssa
pursued him and threw a series of punches at him. Marques dodged them and kicked her in the stomach. Alyssa was already out of breath, she fell to her knees and tried to breath.

“Still got a long way to go.” Marques said folding his arms. Aja stopped his music. “ I’m still tired from the first time.” She said gasping.

Devon entered the courtyard . “Marques, your father would like to see you.” Marques turned to him. “Now? Usually he’s busy this early in the morning, what could he want with me?” Alyssa stood up. “Maybe you’re getting promoted.” She joked hitting him in the arm.

Marques followed Devon to his father’s office leaving Aja and Alyssa behind in the courtyard.
Devon got to the end of the hall to the office door and opened it for Marques.

“Marques, something has come up.” John started, getting straight to the point. Marques sat down in the chair in front of John’s desk. “ The Xiao want to talk, to make sure that we’re aren’t behind Xiao Xi’ death.” Marques looked at John. “ Why me?” John shrugged. “ Hell is I know, I don’t like it though. I ‘m telling you this because the choice is your. Either you meet up with the Xiao girl or we could face a war with them.”

“Xiao Girl?” Marques asked as if his father was joking. “Yes girl, but don’t under estimate her.” John said raising a finger. “She is the most dangerous of all the Xiao. You have to discuss the matter of trust that should established between our families.” Marques thought for a second.

“It’s your call, Marques.” John said. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He answered.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
-Next morning-

Tyleya sat in the pagoda on the grounds of the Yao est. She was drinking tea and meditating. "Mind if I join?" a voice said. Tyleya nodded. The young man sat down. His name was Jamie Chu. He was Aiden's best friend. He was alright. He could never defeat Tyleya at martial arts, but he was the closest competition she had.

"You've got a postage. From the blacks." he handed it to her. "You say black like they have a disease. I'm half black if you remember." Tyleya said as she accepted the letter. "I forget though many in this business don't. Some have said, 'How can a half breed, woman, have so much power.' It's amusing how much they speculate. Honestly, without you Aiden would be lost. I love him like my brother. But he needs you. Your guidance, and your blade."

Tyleya turned the envelope over and examined it. It looked like it had been opened and resealed. "Who's hands did this letter go through?" Jamie looked puzzled. "The courier, Housekeeper, Auntie Mei, and she gave it to me to give it too you." Tyleya sighed. That...woman. Her brother aunt on his mother's side. "Something wrong?" Jamie asked. Tyleya shook her head. She would deal with that later. She opened it up and read the reply.

Tyleya stood up. "Let's go inside." Jamie stood up and walked inside with her. They headed to her office. Tyleya walked in and sat down. Jamie walked in and closes the door with his hand on the doorknob. "Do you trust the black's?" Jamie asked. Tyleya looked up. "You say black like it is a disease." Jamie bowed his head. "I apologize. But your father and our leader is dead. He was like my father and took me in when i had no one. Who in our organization would have done this?" Tyleya sat back and sighed. "James. No one is above suspicion. NO ONE. Everyone is a suspect. You and I both know anyone could have done this. The best thing to do is, have this funeral, and go from there. Now if you excuse me. I have a meeting to attend." Tyleya stood up and left the room.

Jamie opened the door and let her out. He watched her leave. He always liked Tyleya but the woman was dangerous. With the style of kung fu she knew Aiden had nothing to worry about as far as a bodyguard. He also knew she was right. Anyone could have killed Xiao Liang

Tyleya walked to the garage and looked at the vehicles at her disposal. She decided to ride the Kawasaki. She knew Aiden had her covered as far as the ferry was concerned. Tyleya put on the helmet and got on the bike. She took off towards the docks.

The ferry she choice was the Seaside shack, a little restaurant. There were people there so no one would make a scene.

She finally arrived and parked her bike in the parking lot. Walking to the ferry she looked at her surroundings. She counted 5 of her men. But Marques Allen was know where to be found. "Where is he? Matter of fact, what does he look like." she asked herself.
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New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
“ I can’t believe you’re actually going.” Alyssa exclaimed as Marques walked out the front door of the Allen mansion. “Look, its not that big of a deal. They just want to talk, to make sure we’re all on good terms.” Marques said as he continued walking. Alyssa threw her hands on her hips. “ If you guys were on good terms, why won’t they let you attend the funeral?” Marques paused and answered. “ it’s a family thing, and we ain’t family..”

He head across the yard to his car part on the other side of the driveway. “At least let me go with you.” Alyssa asked sounding desperate. “ No, the note said to come alone. You know that.” “And your just gonna go along with it? What makes you think she will be alone?” Marques opened his car door and looked at her. “ I don’t think she will, but I’ll handle that when I get to it.” He hopped in the car and started the engine. “ Alyssa lean over on the passenger side window. “Nothing better happen to you. I’ll kill you if you die out there.” She making a fist. “Gotcha.” Marques replied.


Marques had arrived. He pulled up and parked his car across the street and walked to the ferry. He kept an eye out for anyone suspicious. As he looked around he tried to notice anyone that stuck out. After a few seconds he realize one thing; he was sticking out. Of all the dozens of people walking around he was the only black person. “So much for blending in….” He thought. His sense were heightened at the thought of a Xiao could be breathing down his neck and he wouldn’t even know. He wondered around for a few minute.

He finally came across a little restaurant near the seaside, nearby he saw a Kawasaki. “ Bingo.” He looked around and noticed a young woman. Marques walked toward her to get a closer look. She was dark skinned, obviously not only Chinese, but black as well. “The Xiao girl…?


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya got a table. He would show up eventually. While waiting she wonder how this meeting might put the relationship between the family's. She ran her fingers through her wig, that she wore. Sasuke Uchiha haircut. She wore it to keep order in the house. Her father forbade her to cut her hair. So she wore a wig, barely able to notice, to keep the men in the house from thinking they could treat her anyway because she was female. She commanded respect, not just by her skills but from how she looked.

While waiting she wonder, Who killed Lord Xiao, her father? Was it the Allen Family. Or was it an inside job. Tyleya didn't trust anyone. One thing she knew for certain. This Marques need to hurry up.

"Would you like anything to drink? Will you be ordering for your guest?" the waiter asked. Tyleya looked up and smiled at the waiter. I'll have a water and we will let him order for himself. The waiter nodded and left.

A man walked in. He was black and young. He must have been Marques. Tyleya raised her hand and gestured slightly for him to join her.
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New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
Marques approached the table where the woman that waved him over was sitting. He looked at her for a second. ”She doesn’t look so dangerous. I imagined She-Hulk in a Chinese dress…” He thought.

“So, You’re the Xiao Girl?” Marques asked not really wanting to sit down. She didn’t seem like a threat, but he didn’t want to let his guard down. With so much movement around him it would be difficult for him to notice someone coming up behind him.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya saw the young man walk her way. Arrogant. Never cared for those types.

“So, You’re the Xiao Girl?” he asked.

"I assume they never told you my name." She examined him. He was not short, but not tall. He was on the muscular side. He looked like he could kick some ass.

"Why don't you sit down? I am Xiao Tyleya. And you must be Marques Allen." Tyleya said. Something about this Marques intriged her. She wasn't sure what it was exactly.


New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
“No Thanks, I’ll stand. Not too familiar with this area…” Marques said, implying a set-up.

“But you can tell me exactly what makes you think the Allen’s killed the old man.” He said folding his arms. The waiter came by and serve water to Tyleya. Marques watched him closely as he put the serving down and walked away.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya accepted the water. The waiter looked at Marques, and walked away.

"Who else could have done it? If your father was killed today you would automatically assume it was us. Don't deny it." She took a sip of water. "Honestly i dont know who did it. But my people assume it is you. I have held back the strong winds of war. A war between us, Yao Ting and Allen, Chinese against Blacks."

"It has been my dream that we work together. To have.....brotherhood as it were. Maybe they are the dreams a a half breed, female." Tyleya took another sip.

The music in the background was called "The Ambush" ("The Ambush" pipa solo by Liu Fang ??). Suddenly a gunshot went off. Tyleya stood up quickly, her hands on her guns. "Happy Birthday To You! Happy...."went the table next to them. They opened some champagne and it sounded like a gunshot.

Tyleya smiled and sank slowly back into her chair. "So to make this meeting short, Tell your father, "We are watching."


New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
Marques ignored Tyleya‘s “Watching“ threat. He knew his family had nothing to do with Xiao’s death.
“You said the dream of a half-breed.” Marques sat down and tapped his finger on the table as he thought for a moment. “What exactly do you mean by that?” He noticed she wasn’t a full blood Chinese but he could imagine how that would be a problem.

“So , let’s say that no one associated with the Allens had anything to do with old man Xiao’s murder. How about to clear my family’s name I help you look for whoever is responsible?” Marques knew a war with Xiao would cost his family million and it wouldn’t look good if shootouts rang out in his father’s establishments either. “ Consider it our first business collaboration .” He said leaning back in his chair.


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya's delicate eyebrow raised. This boy had balls. "Very interesting. What would Daddy say about all this?" Tyleya asked. The idea amused her. But it couldn't be pubic, no, it has to be secret. Only Aiden and Jamie should know. If she could find the real killer it would be a load lifted from her head. It would due quite nicely.

"And if your Father says yes, it cannot be public knowledge. And i will only work with you. No one else can be involved in this." This would also give her a small window in finding out who her mother was.
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New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
“Alright, so we’re both agreeing on this. However, My father can’t know. If he does he’ll only send men to watch me and to build trust it’s best if my men don’t go snooping around in your turf if events leads us there.” Marques raised a finger at the thought of secrecy. “I still have to let one person know about this.”

“Ok, Now that we’ve teamed up for this investigation. Where do we start?”


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
"Do you trust this one person? I hope you do. For your sake." Tyleya said. "We will start in three days. My father much be buried." Tyleya stood and left a 20. "Thank you Ms. Xiao but you did get anything but water." the waiter said. "Just for your table."

Tyleya stood up and walked out. She headed for her bike. "I'll meet you here, three nights from now. I don't like when too many hands are in the stew." She started the bike. "Until later, Allen boy." she said as she rode off.
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New member
May 30, 2008
Ft. Lewis, Washington
-Later that day-

Alyssa and Mrs. Allen watched from the front porch as Marques’ car pulled up into the driveway. Alyssa leaned forward as Mrs. Allen braided her hair. She noticed it took Marques a few seconds longer to get out of the car. Marques stood up from the other side of the car and looked over to them. “Are you alright?” Alyssa shouted. Marques waved her off.

He waited until he got closer to them and said “I told you there was nothing to worry about.” Mrs. Allen looked at Marques. “It a relief to see you’re alright.” “Thanks, mom.” Marques replied. Alyssa got up as soon as Mrs. Allen was done with her hair. She followed Marques inside. “So, what happened?” She asked as she tapped his should and skipped in front of him. Marques looked around to make sure no one would hear him before he said anything.

“We agree on something…” He started. “Something like what?” Alyssa asked with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. “We’re gonna help them find the real killer to prove My family had nothing to do with it.”
“We?” Alyssa looked even more puzzled. Marques pulled her from the hall and into an empty room .
“I told Tyleya I’d let someone know I’d be working with her in this investigation .”
“And you chose me? Why?” Alyssa asked. “ None of my family could know, they’d have my our men watch me and they would just get in the way.” Marques explained. Alyssa folded her arms. “ So you decided to tell me so I can worry my head off.” She sighed as she thought for a moment. “Fine, as long as I get to help.” “Out of the question.” Marques snapped. “Then what was the point of telling me?” “To clear thing up with my family in case things don’t go our way.”

Alyssa gave Marques a sad look. “I want to make sure you’re safe. If anything were to happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do…” Marques hugged Alyssa to comfort her. “ Don’t worry, we’ll just do some asking around to gather information to find out who did it. After that, it’s Tyleya job to handle the perp. “
Alyssa held Marques tighter and took in a deep breath. Marques knew Alyssa had a strong interest in him, Marques just thought it would be best not to ruin a friendship. Alyssa is more like family to him than a possible lover. He could never bring himself to tell her that, however.

Marques loosened his hug and let his arms down. “C’mon, I have to talk to my dad.”
“What are you going to tell him?” She asked. “I’ll let him know not to contact the Xiao for a while, that’s all.”


New member
Jan 24, 2006
On a milk carton
Tyleya rode through the city. While the air blew in her hair she wondered, Who could have killed him? Everyone was a suspect to her, Including her brother. Everyone one had something to gain from his death, even herself. He was a fair man but he could be harsh and even disappoint. The consul, the Allens, the police, and other could have wanted him dead.

Tyleya drove through the gate of the mansion and parked it in the long drive. She got off and walked towards the house. A car pulled into the drive as well. It was Jamie. Tyleya kept walking on, but instead of going to the house she decided to stand by a tree that was away from the house. She leaned against it.

Jamie got out of his car and walked towards her. When he reached her he grabbed her arm tightly and said, "What were you thinking?" He face was angry. Angrier than Tyleya ever saw it. Tyleya smacked his hand away. "Its none of your business." Tyleya said calmly. "It is my business Tyleya." his voice was rising. Why was he upset? He grabbed her again. She grabbed his hand and twisted it. "Don't make me break it." she warned. Jamie though about it and yielded.

"What did he say?" he asked. Tyleya sighed. "I will tell you when i tell Aiden." Walking back to the house Tyleya said, "Don't grab me anymore." Jamie stood there. "Why don't I just tell her?" he asked himself. He just couldn't. "I'm such a coward." he stumped back to the house.

"Ty, you put me in a delicate situation. Let's say you do work with this guy. If i admit to knowing about it I look bad. If i say i had know knowledge i would have to punish you." Aiden said running his hand through his hair. "Let me take the fall for her." Jamie said. Tyleya turned and stared at him. "I carry my own weight." Aiden nodded. "She's right Jamie. It would be dishonorable of you took the fall for her." Jamie thought fast. "Let me work with her then." Tyleya calmly said, "Out of the question. That was the deal. No more people knowing or helping." she said. "Let me shadow then. If he wants a shadow that's fine too." Jamie said. "Ty, i like this idea better than you doing it on your own." Aiden said. Tyleya saw there was no arguing. "The first night, No. I will bring it before him and if he accepts you can shadow me."
The Funeral

Over 700 people attended the funeral including many from China, the rich of Boston, and BPD.

Tyleya wore a wihite cheongsam with white shirt under it and white Chiffon pants under it. She didn't wear the wig. She wore her own her, that was long and curly, into two ponytails. Under the cheongsam there was two gun hidden. Aiden wore a white Armani suit. Aiden went befor the alter and bowed three time. Tyleya also went before the alter and kneeled three time. "I will find who did this and make them pay. I swear. Please forgive me for what i am about to do." she pray silently.

After it was all over Aiden went to his study and Tyleya and Jamie followed. "This is the deal. Ty you will meet with this kid and work with him tomorrow. After that Jamie will watch you at a distance." Tyleya nodded. "I need to speak with Jamie." Tyleya was slightly shocked but she nodded and left.

"Why don't you tell her?" Aiden asked. "Tell her what?" Jamie was looking in any direction but Aiden. "You know what i mean. I got a feeling this Marques intrigues her and if they work together you might lose your chance. Jamie smiled and shrugged. "Come on A. He's black." Aiden shook his head. "So is she. She is probably gonna try to find out about her mother. I'm just saying. You need to access your feelings." Jamie looked up. "You would allow her to pursue a relationship with the enemy would you?" Aiden walked to the window. "Tyleya is like a lioness. She will protect you with her life. But she will do as she will. Your prejudice to her other racial background will be your hindrance. Watch her please." Jamie nodded. "I will give my soul for her."